- SIM Policy Revision Review
- Welcome
- Attendance: Alex Fulcher, MD Matlock, Jim Tranquada, Vivian Santiago, Lizzy Denny, Devon Sakamoto, Andrea Boyle, G Northway, Rob Bartlett, Isaiah Thomas, Jacie Feigelman
- Introductions
- MD Matlock, Student Conduct
- Lizzy Denny, Project SAFE
- Announcements
- Project SAFE
- Open House Nov. 16
- Civil Rights & Title IX Office
- Meetings with President Elam and Dean Flot, student community night
- Other Committee Members
- New New Assistant Dean of Students for Student Success and Restorative Practices starts in a week and a half - will invite them to join the committee in the spring
- Project SAFE
- Old Business
- NPRM - no update
- New Business
- Policy Revision Review
- requires us to prohibit discrimination on the basis of reproductive health decision-making
- Discussion of statutory rape language
- Addition to Request for Delays and Extensions of Time
- Addition of Withdrawal or Resignation Before Complaint Resolution
- Addition to Training Requirements
- Changing procedure for TIX cross-examination process
- Policy Revision Review
- Open Discussion
- Adding dating/domestic violence to encompass reproductive health decision-making
- Next Meeting
- Read “â€