Event flyer for 2020 Cognitive Science Department senior comps presentations

Please join theÌýCognitive Science Department and the Class of 2021ÌýCognitive Science majors for seniorÌýcompsÌýoral presentations.

Schedule of Presentations*

*Each student will repeat their presentation every 15 minutes within their assigned one-hour block.
2:00 - 3:00 PM

Isabella Fabiani:ÌýThe Impact of Social Isolation on Health and Well- Being

Joelle F. Floyd:ÌýThe Role of Dopamine in Schizophrenia Psychosis

Julia MacLaughlin:ÌýGenerational Trauma: How We Carry Our Families’ Histories

Maeve Clayton:ÌýThe Purpose and Potential of Artificially Intelligent Clinical Decision Support Systems

Shelby Cooper:ÌýConsidering a Cognitive Map for Foreign Language Anxiety

3:00 - 4:00 PM

Declan Ryan:ÌýPsilocybin as a Treatment for Depression

Dylan Ryan:ÌýAnalyzing the Intersection of Language and Thought: How Words Define What You See

Ibrahim Finch:ÌýThe Effects of Music on the Brain: Music Therapy as a Rehabilitation Tool

Jordan Saltzman:ÌýGraph Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease: Hubs, Rich- Clubs, and Small-World Networks

Kristine Lee:ÌýNostalgia: The Mixed Emotion

4:00 - 5:00 PM

Jenna Enoka:ÌýA Problem with Problematizing Impulsive Adolescents?

Nathan Lam:ÌýTo Flip or Not to Flip: An Analysis of the Flipped Classroom Model

SaraJoy Salib:ÌýNerve X: A Puzzle Piece to the Mental Health Pandemic Amidst a Global Pandemic

Yuki Han:ÌýHow is Implicit Sequence Learning Formed? The Influence of Explicit Knowledge, Multisensory Information, Attention, and Motivation

Contact Cognitive Science
Swan Hall 103

Please send questions for the department
chair toÌýoxycogsci_chair@oxy.eduÌý